Asasira on Cultivating Success and Empowering Youth through Agro-tourism
Asasira on Cultivating Success and Empowering Youth through Agro-tourism
The journey towards changing perceptions and revitalizing the agriculture industry began with a simple idea – to foster a thriving agribusiness ecosystem that would empower not only the yout...
Exploring Equity and Gender Roles in Malawi’s Cholera Outbreak
Exploring Equity and Gender Roles in Malawi’s Cholera Outbreak
Malawi grappled with the most severe Cholera outbreak in its history over the past several months. According to statistics from the Public Health Institute of Malawi, the country recorded 58...
Balibali Empowering Women’s Brilliance through Tailored Sports Training in Bududa
Balibali Empowering Women’s Brilliance through Tailored Sports Training in Bududa
In Bududa district of eastern Uganda, an area plagued by poverty and natural disasters, girls and women face significant challenges that hinder their education and acquisition of life-sustai...
Breaking Barriers: Nyakato’s Resounding Triumph of Sports in Silence
Breaking Barriers: Nyakato’s Resounding Triumph of Sports in Silence
In 2006, the loss of my hearing seemed like the end of the world. The music, singing, and conversations that brought me joy were suddenly silenced. However, I refused to let my disability de...
Exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Education, ICT, and Engineering
Exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Education, ICT, and Engineering
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the significance of equal opportunities for women and girls in education, information and communication technology (ICT), and enginee...
Girls’ Education: Breaking Barriers and Building a Bright Future
Girls’ Education: Breaking Barriers and Building a Bright Future
In today's world, where progress and equality are emphasized, it is disheartening to witness the persistent barriers that hinder girls' access to education. From poverty and cultural norms t...
Unbound by Disability: Nakanyiga’s Personal Journey of Resilience
Unbound by Disability: Nakanyiga’s Personal Journey of Resilience
My name is Catherine Nakanyiga, and I am a dedicated clinical psychologist currently working at CORSU Hospital. At the core of my profession lies the mission to provide invaluable psychosoci...
Kasonde on Forging Gender Equality in Technology and Innovation
Kasonde on Forging Gender Equality in Technology and Innovation
In today's rapidly evolving world of technological innovation, it is imperative that we collectively strive towards a society where gender equality thrives. A recent report by Deloitte revea...
Women in Education: Empowering Minds and Transforming Nations
Women in Education: Empowering Minds and Transforming Nations
Education is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all, regardless of gender. However, women still face significant challenges in accessing and excelling in education. Malawi cont...
Empowering Women: A Path to Lasting Gender Equity
Empowering Women: A Path to Lasting Gender Equity
Amelia Earhart, an American aviation pioneer and writer, once proclaimed, "Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others...
Women in Tech Rise: Empowering Progress and Shattering Barriers
Women in Tech Rise: Empowering Progress and Shattering Barriers
The representation of women in the tech industry has historically been dishearteningly low. However, in recent years, a wave of empowered women in tech has emerged, defying gender stereotype...
Kudakwashe is Promoting ‘Education for All’ in Zimbabwe
Kudakwashe is Promoting ‘Education for All’ in Zimbabwe
Education is a human right and for years, Kudakwashe Muhlanga, like many others, has worked to ensure that all children and young people have access to education as prescribed by Sustainable...
Where do youth belong?
Where do youth belong?
The news is currently awash with the elections in Uganda's neighboring country, Kenya, where none of the contestants for the presidential seat is a Youth. Even though Uganda usually has a yo...
What “Inter-generational Solidarity: Creating a World of All Ages” means
What “Inter-generational Solidarity: Creating a World of All Ages” means
“A moral virtue and social attitude born of personal conversion/… Calls for a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good/… Seeking to transform into concrete ini...
We are celebrating achievements of young people this August
We are celebrating achievements of young people this August
Are you aged between 18 – 35 and live or work in Africa? We would like to share your story to inspire others. We are dedicating the whole month of August 2022 to showcase and celebrate the a...
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Announcement: GSA, MFAI formalize partnership
Announcement: GSA, MFAI formalize partnership
Grassroots Strategies Africa (GSA) and Michigan Fellows Agribusiness Initiative (MFAI) Uganda have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening the capacities of both organiza...
Webinar Series on ICTs and Disability Inclusion
Webinar Series on ICTs and Disability Inclusion
Join us in digesting the extent to which information and communication technologies (ICTs) can enable and accelerate the social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities in Uganda....
Innovation to improve access to professional assistive support services in Uganda
Innovation to improve access to professional assistive support services in Uganda
Diversity Ability Support Network System (Dasuns) is a new web-based app in Uganda designed to promote social and inclusive development through facilitating access to professional assistive ...
Blog Post With Gallery
Blog Post With Gallery
Cras sapien diam, scelerisque ut ornare a, viverra sit amet magna. Mauris sapien dolor, aliquam tristique nulla vitae, ornare bibendum massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci...
Administration Detering People from Seeking Asylum
Administration Detering People from Seeking Asylum
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in ...
Preparing to Help Young Central American Refugees
Preparing to Help Young Central American Refugees
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in ...
Our Process
Our Process
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in ...
Creative Post
Creative Post
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in ...
Third Blog Post Entry
Third Blog Post Entry
Cras sapien diam, scelerisque ut ornare a, viverra sit amet magna. Mauris sapien dolor, aliquam tristique nulla vitae, ornare bibendum massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci...